What I love about herbal medicine, is that one herb can be used for a diverse range of conditions. Herbs that boost blood flow to the brain can also increase circulation to the genitals. This makes them beneficial for both memory and libido.
Women often notice changes in their memory during their first pregnancy. For men, these changes typically happen when their baby is born and they may then experience sleep deprivation.
Women unfortunately might not get any relief when they enter perimenopause, usually in their 40s. This can be a difficult time for them. A change in hormones, during perimenopause or menopause can affect memory, libido and sexual function.
Men can also experience a reduction in testosterone as they age which may be linked to a lower libido. Poor circulation and blood flow can have a negative impact on libido. This can make it difficult to become aroused and reach orgasm.
Studies have suggested that blood vessel disease and poor circulation may contribute to difficulty in becoming and maintaining arousal. Estimates range from 30 to 50%.
Libido varies considerably from one person to the next. It can be impacted by a variety of both external and internal factors. Stress is a common factor that can lower libido in both men and women. This can have a significant effect on a couple's fertility.
Top tips for boosting both memory and libido
Reduce stress
Stress is detrimental to our mental and physical wellbeing and periods of intense stress can lower your IQ temporarily. This includes our ability to recall information and our interest in the fun things in life such as sex. Ways to reduce stress include meditation, yoga, mindfulness, deep breathing exercises, learning to be assertive and having sex!
Regular aerobic exercise appears to boost the size of the hippocampus, the brain area involved in verbal memory and learning. Exercise is also great for improving circulation which helps improve sexual function.
Get adequate sleep
Sleep processes short term memories and turns them into long term ones. Studies have shown that sleep deprivation impairs performance on memory tests. It is recommended that you aim to get 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night to wake up feeling refreshed.
Increase iron intake
Iron is essential for the production of neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) and myelin. During late stages of pregnancy, it is important for the baby's brain development. Anaemia is associated with memory loss.
Increase choline intake
Choline is required for the creation of a brain neurotransmitter called acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is critical for a strong brain and nervous system. These functions include memory, mood, and muscle control. Choline during pregnancy is associated with a better memory in the child.
Increase folate intake
Lower folate levels are associated with cognitive decline and dementia so eat your greens!
Increase vitamin B12 intake
A lack of B12 has been linked to memory loss. It may even help protect against brain atrophy. Brain atrophy is the loss of neurons in the brain. Vitamin B12 is mostly found in animal foods so vegans usually need to supplement.
Maintain a healthy weight
Obesity is a risk factor for cognitive decline and is associated with an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Losing weight benefits every aspect of your health – physical, mental and even boosts your fertility!
Limit alcohol
Excessive intake of alcohol is a dangerous habit. It can cause damage to the hippocampus, an area of the brain responsible for memory. Regular binge drinking can have long-term consequences for the functioning of the brain. Alcohol may enhance the libido in small doses but is a libido/orgasm killer if you drink too much!
Eat more walnuts, blueberries and dark chocolate
These foods are provide nourishment for the brain. Studies have shown that they boost brain function and delay cognitive decline. These foods are high in antioxidants which help to reduce inflammation in the brain and body.
Dark chocolate also has the added benefit of releasing endorphins. These increase pleasure, improve mood, and simulate the feelings of falling in love. Increase your nutrient intake by consuming more blueberries and walnuts by making a smoothie.
Most people are excited to hear that dark chocolate may be beneficial to their brain function! It is important to choose a good quality low sugar dark chocolate.
Take Ginkgo biloba
Herbs can boost circulation to the brain and enhance memory. Additionally, they can increase blood flow to the genitals, improving sexual performance.
Inflammation is a major factor in poor brain function and poor memory. Gingko is a powerful herb. It can reduce inflammation in the body, which can also improve brain health and function.
Take Siberian ginseng
This herb helps to improve mental and physical stamina as well as concentration and memory, especially when under stress. Siberian ginseng also has other actions such as building up immunity and assisting physical recovery from burnout and stress. Poor memory and concentration can be symptoms of burnout and stress from periods of physically and mentally over-working.
Take Bacopa
Bacopa is backed by several clinical trials for its effectiveness in improving memory and concentration in people of all ages. Bacopa should be taken for a minimum of 12 weeks to achieve its best effects on memory and concentration.
Take Damiana
Damiana enhances libido in both men and women and is a nervine tonic which means it nourishes the nervous system. In traditional Western herbal medicine, it is often prescribed for people who suffer from mild anxiety and depression. Both of these conditions can affect memory and libido.
Take Tribulus leaf
This powerful herb is often used to enhance male and female infertility. Tribulus leaf boosts libido in both men and women. Tribulus berries are used in supplements due to being cheaper. However, it is the leaf that contains the active constituents necessary for a therapeutic effect.
There are also many other herbal medicines that can be used to improve fertility in both males and females. Herbal medicines can help improve fertility. They can help treat different causes of infertility, such as obesity, diabetes, inflammation, stress, and hormonal imbalances. These treatments may also address other factors that affect infertility.
Boosting memory and libido requires a holistic approach. This means looking at the various factors that contribute to poor memory and libido. Taking action on these factors can help improve both. A combination of diet, lifestyle and supplementation, especially herbal medicine, can really help to boost both memory and libido.