Managing Director

Nikki Warren

Nikki Warren is the founder and visionary behind NaturoBest, a trailblazing company in the field of nutritional supplements, focusing on women's health, particularly in the areas of preconception and prenatal care. Nikki's journey into the world of product design began in 2016, following an extensive and accomplished decade in clinical practice as a degree-qualified fertility naturopath, medical herbalist, and doula.

With a profound belief in the power of natural remedies, stemming from her own personal experiences and professional expertise, Nikki has been the driving force behind NaturoBest's unique product range. Her pioneering work includes the development of a specially formulated prenatal vitamin designed for the first trimester that not only supports maternal health but also effectively
reduces morning sickness.

Nikki's passion for holistic health is deeply rooted in her personal life as well. When not immersed in her work, she loves indulging in the simple pleasures of life, like reading under the warm Sunshine Coast sun, getting lost in the world of podcasts while tending to her garden, practicing pilates, or planning her next travel adventure.

Quote from Nikki: "Empowering women on their journey to motherhood with holistic, health-focused solutions is not just my profession, it's my passion. Seeing the positive impact our products have on women's health fuels my commitment to continually innovate and improve our offerings."

Nikki's story

Head of Marketing

Gemma Fitzsimons

Passionate marketing professional driven by strategy and purpose, with extensive experience across acclaimed brands in retail, fashion, food and health & wellness.

"Outside of work I love being a mumma as well as strength training, the beach, reading, singing and music, cooking/baking and walking &/or coffee with friends."

Brand Educator

Eleni Cassar

Eleni is a clinical nutritionist with a BHSc. Eleni loves spending lots of her free time outdoors, walking her dogs, sitting in the sun getting stuck into a good book or listening to a podcast. You’ll occasionally catch her making a TikTok recipe or video. Eleni always prioritises her health and wellbeing and loves visiting local farmers markets and cooking for her family and friends.

“I worked as a holistic practitioner for many years, practicing gentle nutrition and focusing on client education. I loved working with fertility clients and seeing their journey to parenthood, and I love helping women and couples with my work at NaturoBest.”

Creative Director

Taylah Chad

Taylah is our Creative Director currently working towards her Bachelor of Design. Prior to this she was our Admin Assistant here at NaturoBest where she was discovered for her love of graphic design. She currently likes to spend her free time baking, drawing, doing pilates and going to the beach whenever she can.