Should I Eat Organic Food During Pregnancy?
by Nikki Warren on Feb 01, 2022

So what about better nutrition for pregnancy? Can’t I just get the extra nutrients I need for a healthy pregnancy through my pregnancy vitamins?
Yes, you may be able to. But the foods you are eating may be responsible for a lot more than the average baby brain may think! We are talking about pesticides on fruit and vegetables and why eating organic is best.
Research on switching to organic food
A large amount of research shows how pregnancy and fertility rates can be affected by chemical we are ingesting! All this even though we are eating our best intention "gluten free – dairy free – vegan – sugar free – everything free salad". Did you know that pesticides can disrupt both female and male hormones and affect fertility?
Also who wants those chemicals to affect their gorgeous little pooing machine? No thank you! This is why #organic is best.
Is it worth the extra dollars I hear you say? "Yes" is the answer and here is a reason why. One study published in 2017 compared the dietary habits of two groups of women.
One consumed two servings of high pesticide fruits or vegetables per day and the other consumed one serve each day. It found that the two serves group were 18% less likely to become pregnant. Furthermore, they were 26% less likely to have a live birth than women with slightly less exposure.
WOW! Switching to organic fruit and vegetables not only improves your chances of conceiving, it also reduces your risk of miscarriage!
Eating organic also often supports local farmers. If more of us supported our local farmers, organic produce may also be more affordable. Organic produce and connecting to our local farmers builds a sense of community and connection to your food.
One more slightly scary statistic for you. A study2 from 2017 found that exposure to pesticides in males caused a significant decrease in sperm concentration. As well as decreased testosterone and reduced fertility.
Going Organic
So, how can you increase your intake of organic fruits and vegetables easily and affordably? Try your local farmer's markets! Also, use the "Dirty Dozen & Clean Fifteen" guide to sort out which items are important to buy organic.
It's also become a lot easier now because you can also access organic delivery boxes online. You can google organic delivery services and get a mixed box delivered straight to your door!
This can be a great option is you don't want to think about making a shopping list. As well as if you want variety and don't know where to start. They often also give you the option to create your own produce box. This can give you the option to make it tailored to your favourite fruit and vegetables.
It can seem daunting or overwhelming at first to swap to organic produce. But most of the time, it works out to be just as easy and affordable. If you think about the money you might spend on cocktails or new clothes. That money could go into nourishing produce instead.
Another tip is to use a fruit and vegetable wash. You can buy them at most health food stores. You can use the wash to soak your non-organic produce to help remove some of the pesticides in the meantime. It is also a good idea to wash non-organic or organic produce anyway for bacteria and dirt.
Some fruit and vegetables need more chemicals sprayed on them for growth and to keep the critters at bay. For example, spinach and berries are highly sprayed. Using the guide mentioned is a great way to reduce your toxic load.