Here is an idea that we absolutely love.... Make a preconception bucket list!
Lists are a great way to help tick off fun things to do before the craziness of parenthood begins. When you're organised you can focus on the small things in life, and create a beautiful foundation for a happy family.
Aside from all the preconception planning, let’s keep baby making fun because that is what it should be! You can do all of the ovulation tracking and pregnancy planning you want.
At the end of the day, you can still have fun. Even when it’s not your fertile window, if you know what I mean? This bucket list may help with some ideas for when your little bundle is on his or her way.
Ideas to help lighten what can be a sometimes stressful time
- Book weekends away to keep a bit of zest in your relationship while baby making. Reducing stress may help with fertility. Which is why a holiday can be also important at this time. I’m sure you don’t need too much more convincing to book a holiday, am I right?
- Continue to do your favourite workouts. Exercise is known to release endorphins and may help with happy pregnancy hormones. Make sure you are not overdoing it or straining your muscles. Water aerobics, barre, or yin yoga can be great to release tension and keep fit.
- Have you ever heard of a babymoon? Yes, it is actually a thing! So get planning, because who on this planet doesn’t enjoy booking a holiday? Babymoons are an amazing way to reduce stress, engage and emotionally connect with your partner.
- Write a letter to your future baby. It can be a funny and sweet way of expressing your love and hopes. You can give the letters when your future bundle is old enough to cherish the meaning behind it. It can also be a great way to begin journaling and reflecting - mindfulness 101!
- Do a cooking class for some food inspiration! Cereal and fast food may have served you well for the last little while. However, your future children’s nutritional needs will thank you for developing your cooking skills.
- Get glammed up with your partner or friends and enjoy some nights out! Think - theatre night, fancy restaurant dinners, concerts etc. They may be few and far between when your bundle of joy comes along.
- Start meditation. Whether it is an app on your phone or meditation classes. It will really help to reduce your stress levels and help you deal with difficult situations.
Ensure you are getting the right nutrients
Take a preconception multi-vitamin for at least 3 months prior to conception. Don't forget men need to consider taking a preconception multi too. It may help improve the performance of his swimmers!
You can choose whatever you want to put on your preconception bucket list.
But the point of the matter is to help your body adjust. Enjoy your adult life before it is run by cartoons on the TV around the clock. Connect as a couple and with yourself to create a solid foundation for your family in the future. You will look back and cherish these moments forever.