Toxic substances can impact the state of our overall health. Did you know that toxin exposure impacts our hormones? We can unlock hormone harmony with a low-tox lifestyle!
Following the information in this article can help you to reduce your metabolic waste and support balanced hormones. Taking our Detox & Liver Support formula can support your body’s natural detoxification processes and liver function, alongside reducing your exposure.
What you need to know about toxin exposure's impact on hormones:
· Xenoestrogens are endocrine-disrupting compounds that mimic oestrogen in the body, contributing to hormone imbalance symptoms.
· Toxin exposure can be from many products we use daily without even realising.
· You can make easy product swaps to reduce your toxin exposure.
Taking high quality herbal medicine can support your body’s natural detoxification processes.
What are Xenoestrogens?
Xenoestrogens are hormone disrupting chemicals that mimic oestrogen in the body. Xenoestrogens are synthetic industrial chemicals found in a number of household items. Studies have shown that they can potentially promote hormone-related diseases.
Xenoestrogens can contribute to hormonal imbalances by influencing oestrogen receptors which disrupt oestrogen’s normal response in the body.
Industrial chemicals that are xenoestrogens include solvents/lubricants and their byproducts. This includes plastics (bisphenol A, BPA), plasticizers (phthalates) and flame retardants (polybrominated diphenyl ethers, PBDEs). Other xenoestrogens include pesticides (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, DDT), and pharmaceutical agents (diethylstilbestrol, DES).
What are Common Sources of Toxins?
Did you know your fragrances and cookware may contain toxins and hormone-disrupting chemicals? Food storage containers, plastics, cleaning products, and beauty products also contain them too.
Our environment can even be a source of toxin exposure.
Toxins are Found in Fragrances
Common products we use in our homes contain many synthetic fragrances. The chemicals in diffusers, car fresheners, room sprays, perfumes, and candles can impact our hormone levels.
Cookware Can Contain Toxins
A lot of cookware contains toxins that impact our hormones. Non-stick pans are a common source of toxins that leach into our food when we cook with them. Non-stick pans contain polyfluorinated compounds (PFAS). Studies have shown that PFAs impact the production of progesterone and oestrogen in women of reproductive age, affecting their health.
Toxins Can Be In How You Store Food
How we store our food can impact our hormone balance. Using plastic containers to cook or heat food can impact your hormones. This is because they can contain xenoestrogens.
Using a plastic drink bottle and having a plastic keep cup for hot coffees is also not ideal. Plastic containers are also a source of xenoestrogens, even if they say ‘BPA free’.
Toxins in Personal Products
The things we use on our body daily can affect our hormones and overall health. Many cosmetic and personal care products contain different chemicals. Deodorants, perfumes, fake tan, hair styling products, makeup, shampoo/body wash, soaps and more all commonly contain parabens and synthetic fragrances. It's important to make note of what you're putting on your skin every day. In the case of deodorant spray, inhaling aluminium as well as absorbing it through your skin, is detrimental to your health.
Cleaning Products are Often Sources of Toxins
Ironically, the products we use to ‘clean’ our environment are often a source of toxins. Laundry liquid, dishwashing liquid, cleaning sprays, window cleaner etc. all contain many chemicals that can impact our hormones.
Environmental Toxins Can Impact Hormones Too
Air pollution and mould can be environmental toxins. Mould toxins can enter your home through plumbing problems, leaks, and flooding.
If you see mould or think there's water damage in your home, hire a professional to check for mould. You should investigate if you get sick or if health issues start around the same time that you moved into a certain house or work office etc.
Swaps You Can Make to Reduce Toxin Exposure
Now you know the numerous ways you may be exposed to toxins and how they impact your hormone health. Let's discuss some suggested swaps you can make to reduce your toxin exposure for your hormonal balance.
- Cookware - stainless steel, cast iron and glass options.
- Food storage - stainless steel drink bottles, glass drink bottles and ceramic keep cups, glass Tupperware/stainless steel Tupperware.
- Fragrances – Ode Perfumery, Weleda, essential oil diffusers/air fresheners.
- Beauty products – No Pong or Noosa Basics (deodorant), Eco Tan (fake tan), Giovanni (hair care), Moo Goo (skincare), Inika or Lust Minerals (makeup).
- Cleaning products - Kin Kin and Simply Clean.
We do not have any affiliation with these brands, we simply like and have personally tried and tested them. You can go to a health food store for non-toxic products chosen by Naturopaths.
Herbal Medicine for Detoxification
Certain herbs in Western herbal medicine can improve liver and kidney health and help remove metabolic waste from the body. These herbs include Burdock, Globe artichoke, Clivers, Schisandra, Dandelion leaf and Chlorella. Our Detox & Liver Support formula contains these detox herbs.
Naturopathic Advice to Reduce Toxins and Improve Hormone Health:
Look out for these chemicals on the labels of your products:
· Phthalates
· Sulfates
· Fragrance
· Alcohols
· PEGs
· Phenoxyethanol
· Parabens
Remember, our toxin exposure can impact the state of our hormones. The less toxin exposure we have, the happier our hormones will be.
Taking high quality herbal medicines for detoxification found in our Detox & Liver Support formula can support your detoxification. Following the information in this article can reduce your toxin exposure and help balance your hormones.